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Supplemental Unemployment Benefit

Empowering IBEW Local 212 Members with Comprehensive Resources

Introduction to the Plan


The IBEW Local 212 Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Fund is a valuable resource designed to provide financial assistance to eligible members during periods of unemployment. This benefit is established under the collective bargaining agreements between IBEW Local 212 and participating employers.


To be eligible for the SUB Plan, employees must be employed or formerly employed under a collective bargaining agreement that mandates employer contributions to the IBEW Local 212 SUB Fund. This includes employees of the Union, the Joint Apprentice Training Committee, and members employed by affiliated entities, provided contributions are made on their behalf through a valid Participation Agreement​​.

Additional Information

Participants can obtain copies of the collective bargaining agreements, the official Plan Document, and the Trust Agreement from the Plan Administrator. These documents provide detailed information about the SUB Plan’s operation, eligibility requirements, and benefits​​.


The SUB Plan provides various forms of financial support, including:

  1. Supplemental Unemployment Compensation: Eligible participants who become involuntarily unemployed can receive weekly benefits of $230 until their Credit Account is exhausted or they return to work​​.
  2. Supplemental Separation Benefit: Participants permanently separated from the electrical trade due to disability or a lack of activity in their account for 12 months may receive a lump-sum distribution of their Credit Account balance​​.
  3. Supplemental Death Benefit: In the event of a participant’s death, their designated beneficiary will receive a lump-sum benefit equal to the remaining balance in the participant’s Credit Account​​.

By providing financial support during periods of unemployment, the IBEW Local 212 SUB Fund plays a crucial role in ensuring the economic stability and well-being of its members.

Plan Details

Local Union No. 212, IBEW Health and Welfare Fund.

  • Plan Administrator: Zenith American Solutions, Inc.
  • Address: 5420 W. Southern Avenue, Suite 407, Indianapolis, IN 46241
  • Phone: (513) 861-4800


The SUB Plan is administered by a Joint Board of Trustees, consisting of employer and union representatives. The Trustees oversee the collection of contributions, the management of the fund’s assets, and the distribution of benefits to participants. The plan also employs professional investment advisors to manage the fund’s assets​​.

Plan Funding

As a member of Local 212 under the inside classification, a Credit Account for the SUB fund is established in your name. Employers contribute to this account based on hours worked. You earn credits at the rate of $0.65 for each hour worked, contributed by your employer. The maximum benefit you can accrue in your Credit Account is $25,000. Any excess amount is transferred to your account in the Welfare Reimbursement Plan of the IBEW Local 212 Health and Welfare Fund​​.

Filing for Benfits

To receive SUB benefits, participants must register at the Union Hall by the Friday of the first full week of unemployment and provide the necessary documentation, including proof of involuntary unemployment. Benefits are not paid retroactively, so timely registration is crucial​​.

A quick guide to Supplemental Unemployment

how it works



To be eligible for the SUB Plan: Employees must be employed or formerly employed under a collective bargaining agreement that mandates employer contributions to the IBEW Local 212 SUB Fund. This includes employees of the Union, the Joint Apprentice Training Committee, and members employed by affiliated entities, provided contributions are made on their behalf through a valid Participation Agreement.

To receive SUB benefits, participants must register at the Union Hall by the Friday of the first full week of unemployment and provide the necessary documentation, including proof of involuntary unemployment. Benefits are not paid retroactively, so timely registration is crucial.

Contact the Benefit Office: At 513-861-4800, the dedicated staff is available to assist with any questions or concerns members may have.


Documentation and Forms

Proof of Unemployment: Provide written proof of involuntary unemployment. This includes a copy of the termination notice prepared by your Employer.

State Agency Approval: If applicable, show proof that the state agency has approved your application for unemployment compensation.

Forms: Complete all necessary application forms required by the Plan Administrator. These forms are available for download on this page, and at the Union Hiring Hall. The forms can be completed and returned to the Union Hall.
The dedicated IBEW Local 212 staff will ensure your completed application reaches the Benefit Office for processing.

Submission Deadline: Submit these forms no later than the Friday of the first full week for which you are claiming benefits.


Book Registration

Union Hiring Hall: Report to the Union Hiring Hall as soon as possible after becoming unemployed and request a job referral.

Out-of-Work List: Ensure you are on the Local Union No. 212 Out-of-Work List and not working in the trade jurisdiction of the IBEW. Benefits will not be approved until the Plan Administrator receives certification from the Union that you are on the out of work list.

Temporary Layoff: If you are on temporary layoff or rotation, SUB benefits will not be paid until the Plan Administrator receives a copy of the temporary termination slip from your Employer.

Short-term Job: If you accept a referral to a short-call job (40 hours or less), you will not be disqualified from receiving SUB benefits upon returning to the Out-of-Work List.


Review and Approval

Plan Administrator Review: The Plan Administrator will review your application and supporting documents. If your claim is denied, you will be notified in writing within a reasonable period, usually not later than 90 days after receipt of the claim.

Appeals: If your claim is denied, you can appeal the decision by submitting a written request for review to the Trustees within 60 days of receiving the denial notice. Include any additional comments, documents, and information to support your appeal.


Receiving Benefits

Weekly Benefits: If approved, you will receive a weekly gross benefit of $230 until your Credit Account is exhausted or you return to work.

Supplemental Separation Benefit: If you become permanently separated from the electrical trade due to disability or inactivity in your account for 12 months, you may be eligible for a lump-sum distribution of your Credit Account balance.

SUB Application

Download the SUB Application document in PDF …

SUB Direct Deposit

Download the SUB Direct Deposit document in PDF …

SUB W4 Tax Form

Download the SUB W4 Tax Form document in PDF …


Download the SUB SPD document in PDF …
